So I turn 40 this year, a birthday that surely deserves its own logo. It's supposed to be an angst-inducing experience, and who knows? Perhaps it will be; I have a few months to go. But for the moment, at least, I'm not there--equal parts denial, cluelessness, optimism and actual satisfaction.
Last year I heard a guy on the radio say (and I paraphrase), "By the time you're 40, you are the man you're going to be." As a perpetual work-in-progress, I'd be surprised if that's entirely true in my case, but if it is, so be it. I'm rarely satisfied with myself, but I'm more at peace than I ever thought I'd be.
So now the question is how to celebrate, how to mark the occasion? I'm thinking something low-key and close to home, but something I've never done and always wanted to: A pub crawl on Haight Street. This is paradoxical, as there's only one truly decent place to get a drink on Haight. We'll see what happens.