From our friends in Redmond:
The Office HTML Filter is a tool you can use to remove Office-specific
markup tags embedded in Office 2000 documents saved as Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML). When you create an HTML document in Office 2000,
Office-specific markup tags are embedded in it. These tags help
"round-trip" the document for editing purposes. For example, if you
create the document in Word 2000 and save it as HTML, the code embedded
in the document allows you to re-open the document in Word 2000 and use
the same features you originally used to create the page.
Once you have completed editing an HTML document in Word 2000 or Excel
2000, you can use the Office HTML Filter to remove the Office-specific
markup tags from the final copy of the HTML document. By removing the
tags, you reduce the size of the document, which in turn reduces both
the amount of space used on Web servers as well as the time it takes to
download the page. For additional information about the benefits and
disadvantages of removing the Office-specific markup tags, read Use Office HTML Filter to Create Web Pages that Download Faster.
Download the HTML filter. Basic instructions:
To filter a document in Word
- Open the document you want to filter.
- On the File menu, point to Export To and then click Compact HTML.
To create a cascading style sheet (.css) in Word
- Open the document on which you want to base the style sheet.
- On the File menu, point to Export To, and then click CSS Stylesheet.
To copy text from a Word document as HTML
- In Word, open the document you want to copy text from and select the text you want to copy.
- On the Edit menu, click Copy as HTML.
To filter single or multiple Excel 2000 or Word 2000 HTML files
On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Office Tools, and then point to Microsoft Office HTML Filter 2.0. Read Use Office HTML Filter to Create Web Pages that Download Faster
for additional information about using the Office HTML Filter in Word.
For more in-depth information about using the Office HTML Filter 2.0,
read Using Office HTML Filter at the Command Prompt, Using Office HTML Filter to Remove Office-specific Markup, and Using Office HTML Filter to Save Space on Web Servers.